FamilyGeekery - A Podcast About Comics, Video Games, and Anything Else Geeky!
Listen to a family of geeks and nerds talk about their favorite comic books, video games, movies, TV shows, etc! And join us as we grow this podcast into a community of like-minded people.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Ep101 - Our First Party Favorites
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Episode 101 - Our First Party Favorites
In this episode, the Fam lists out some of their favorite first party favorite video games. Let us know what your favorites are!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday May 14, 2024
Ep100 - Interview with Charlie McElvy - Comic Book Writer/Creator
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Episode 100 - Interview with Charlie McElvy - Comic Book Writer/Creator
In this episode (also available in video form on YouTube), The Fam chats with Charlie McElvy about what it's like creating and writing comics, finding great talent to work with, and the age-old debate of pineapple on pizza?!?
Watch the video version of this episode at YouTube:
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Ep099 - Our Picks for a Star Wars Strike Force
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Episode 99 - Our Picks for a Star Wars Strike Force
In this episode, the Fam picks their five Star Wars characters to make the ultimate strike force! Tell us who you would pick!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Ep098- X-Men #1 (1991) from Marvel Comics
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Episode 98 - X-Men #1 (1991) from Marvel Comics
In this episode, the Fam talks about the incredible issue of X-Men #1 from 1991, its crazy covers, and "Nightgown Magneto"! Sorry for Chris' audio, he was not in his usual studio while recording this episode.
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Ep097 - Casting Cartoon Characters as The Avengers
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Episode 97 - Casting Cartoon Characters as The Avengers
In this episode, the Fam figures out who the perfect cartoon characters would be if we had to cast the roles of the Avengers! Tell us who you would cast!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Ep096 - Fallout - The Games and the New TV Show
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Episode 96 - Fallout - The Games and the New TV Show
In this episode, the Fam talks about Fallout! We discuss the history of the video game franchise, and also the new TV Show streaming now on Amazon Prime Video. We've waited a long time to tackle this subject, and with the recent show release, it seemed like the perfect time!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Ep095 - King's Dominion Kickoff 2024!
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Episode 95 - King's Dominion Kickoff 2024!
In this episode, the Fam talks about our recent trips to King's Dominion theme park. What did we ride? What did we eat? And what would we change?!? Listen to find out!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Ep094 - X-Men 97 on Disney Plus
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Episode 94 - X-Men 97 on Disney Plus
In this episode, the Fam talks about the new Marvel Comics Cartoon on Disney +, X-Men 97!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Ep093 - Oz Kingdom of the Lost from Zenescope Comics
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Episode 93 - Oz Kingdom of the Lost from Zenescope Comics
In this episode, the Fam chats about a new-to-them comic book series from Zenescope Comics, Oz Kingdom of the Lost!
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here:

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Ep092 - GalaxyCon Richmond 2024 Report
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Episode 92 - GalaxyCon Richmond 2024 Report
In this episode, the Fam talks about our recent experience attending GalaxyCon in Richmond, Va. Listen to see which celebs we met, and our overall opinion on the 'Con.
Support the Show!
This podcast is a "passion project" for us, but it still requires an investment of both time and money to keep running. If you would like to help support the show, here are some ways you can help. Any/all support is extremely appreciated!
Buy "stuff" on Amazon - As Amazon Affiliates, we earn a small commission on any purchases made through our links. It costs you nothing, and it helps us out! Thanks!
Kofi - Similar to Patreon. You can support us with either a one-time or a monthly "tip". Thanks!
Share Us with a Friend - If you know someone who may enjoy our show, please share a link!
Connect with Us! - From the beginning, our goal was to create and grow a community of geeks/nerds/enthusiasts (what ever you want to call it!). Here are some ways to connect with us:
YouTube Channel - We post all kinds of videos including tutorials, product reviews, crafty stuff, etc. Come watch!
Mailing List - We don't use it a ton, but as our community grows, we plan to send out newsletters for major announcements!
Link: https://familygeekery/join
Email - Send us a note!
Website - Our Home on the Web!
Link: (duh!)
Other Socials/Links - Find our other Social Media and other Links here: